…A New Volume for the Amy Artisan Archives.

Two years ago I dipped my toes into the world of blogging with my first post. And so, with the start of the new year it is the start of the third volume of my blog.

Looking through my posts in 2007 is an enjoyable walk through the year. A common thread throughout the year is a sense of community: less time on the road for work meant more fun times with family and friends; participating in several “knit for others” opportunities allowed me to be a part of a larger community of knitters providing comfort for others; knit fun through book readings/signings, fiber festivals, and meeting knit blog friends; learning more about my community of readers with a few “share your favorite…” contests; and all sorts of other fun times.

2007 Fun!

Without a doubt, 2007 was filled with the most knit stitches for me to date. September marked 10 years since my first dishcloth. Looking through my projects in the past year I see quite a variety of projects – including some that I never thought I would do. A quick summary of the stitches: 9 scarfs; 4 pairs of socks; 4 pairs of fingerless mitts; 2 hats; 2 Halloween Hats; countless dishcloths; 1 baby blanket; 3 accessories; a forest of knit trees; 3 “knit for others” projects; and the start of my first sweater. Oh, and I learned how to crochet; however, I haven’t done much with it since the last class back in February.

2007 Knits

As I take down the Christmas decorations and start using the new calendars today, I look forward to what the new year holds. The transition from 2007 to 2008 was pretty low-key – an evening of homemade goodies, fun tv/dvd choices and knitting with a friend. The knitting was focused on the sweater – after watching the Rose Parade this morning I am close to finished with the back of my sweater. It has been a gray day all day & not conducive to pictures – pictures of sweater progress and my last 2007 FO (my Christmas travel scarf) will have to wait for another day.

P.S. With a new year I thought it was time for a new look here at the blog. I’m still working on the header – so the image may be changing; however, for now I’ll leave you with one of my favorite pictures – a quick pic of I Faraglioni off the coast of Capri from summer 2005.