Amy Artisan

Family | Travel | Craft | Life | Books

Category: Etc.

Click and Read v03


A few recent links from around the web that are worth a click and read…Enjoy!

  • My sister has had some “epic” auto-corrects in her texts – this article brought smiles to us all.
  • A clever map of fave UK/Irish TV shows and where they are set.
  • A fun slide show of 10 knitting terms – all sorts of trivia to file away in the details.
  • There’s a new documentary about Tiffany & Co – hmm, might need to rent it. Here are 7 facts from the film.
  • Who knew…so much history & drama about the pork roll? Since moving here, friends & family that have visited have discovered this breakfast meat option at diner breakfasts. On more than one occasion, pork roll has been bought here, frozen, wrapped in foil & transported on an plane to dear ones.
  • If you could have a super power, what would you chose? A thoughtful read on the powers of more time and more energy.


Click and Read v02

Continuing my new “series” of sharing links and other spots of interest from around the web…this could be called the blizzard edition as many of these clicks were explored as the snow piled up…

A fun bookworm forecast for the snowy weekend...

A fun bookworm forecast for the snowy weekend…

A pre-blizzard reminder of the Danish concept of hygge – roughly translated as “that cozy feeling.” This was a goal when I hunkered down and enjoyed the excuse for a snow day.

A blizzard prayer from a friend’s wife in DC.

The case for doing nothing when a blizzard descends.

How can you not smile at the sight of the National Zoo pandas in the snow?

A bit of background on the Tasty videos that are inundating our Facebook timelines. The real question is how many people make these recipes? (And at what level of success?)

A good “3 basics points” about the THM plan that I’m undertaking.

Tissue alert – this sportswriter’s story of how his family handled the still birth of a baby near Christmas and the community of faith that carried them through it will bring out the emotions in you. What an amazing testimony! (And the video of “It Is Well” embedded in the article is worth the watch, too.)

A great story about Speech from Arrested Development & his journey from “Tennessee” to the arts school that he runs in the ‘Ville. (Fun side note: when I was doing some temp work during a college break, I had a gig at his production company office cataloging fan mail.)

What links & likes have you perused on the interwebs recently?

Click and Read v01

One of the things I like about my iTools, is the “Add to Reading List” feature when I come across a web read that I know I want to come back to. Instead of trying to remember to include “good links” in my monthly What I’m Into posts, I thought I’d share web reads throughout the month. As of now, there isn’t a set frequency for these – I’m targeting 2 times each month…but of course it depends on the content that catches my eye.

"De-Christmas-ing" in progress earlier this month...

“De-Christmas-ing” in progress earlier this month…

In recent weeks, these are some of the links that have been worth a look or read:

Tangle Wrangling – On a group of knitters who love the challenge of untangling skeins of yarn that dissolve into a mess of knots as you try to wind them. This came across my Twitter feed right before Christmas as Mom was spending hours trying to rescue the replacement yarn skein that had been quick shipped to me for the gift re-knit.

The delightful Icelandic Christmas Eve tradition of giving books as gifts and everyone going to bed with a good book.

On declaring a truce at Christmastime – in years past and in the now…

An interview with the inventor of the spreadsheet…

On “official” dishes of these United States…adding this book to my reading list…

Have you ever had Turkish Delight candy? Were you disappointed in your experience with it after reading about it in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe? An interesting article on how C.S. Lewis convinced American children it was good stuff.

On the spread of “Hey” as a greeting throughout the United States…

An amazing lesson plan for teaching speech writing through the Space Shuttle Challenger event…

What good reads (or views) are you finding on the web these days?

A bit of housekeeping…

Pardon the dust here at Amy Artisan over the last couple of days. I’ve upgraded WordPress & am hoping that will take care of the recent viewing/comment problems some of you have been having.

I’ve also been tweaking categories & pages and decided to go with a new theme to freshen up the place. (I don’t know if the changes may show lots of Bloglines updates?)

I know a lot of you have stopped by over the last couple of days & haven’t been able to comment – if things are showing up “ok” for you please drop me a comment.

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