One of the things I like about my iTools, is the “Add to Reading List” feature when I come across a web read that I know I want to come back to. Instead of trying to remember to include “good links” in my monthly What I’m Into posts, I thought I’d share web reads throughout the month. As of now, there isn’t a set frequency for these – I’m targeting 2 times each month…but of course it depends on the content that catches my eye.

“De-Christmas-ing” in progress earlier this month…
In recent weeks, these are some of the links that have been worth a look or read:
Tangle Wrangling – On a group of knitters who love the challenge of untangling skeins of yarn that dissolve into a mess of knots as you try to wind them. This came across my Twitter feed right before Christmas as Mom was spending hours trying to rescue the replacement yarn skein that had been quick shipped to me for the gift re-knit.
The delightful Icelandic Christmas Eve tradition of giving books as gifts and everyone going to bed with a good book.
On declaring a truce at Christmastime – in years past and in the now…
An interview with the inventor of the spreadsheet…
On “official” dishes of these United States…adding this book to my reading list…
Have you ever had Turkish Delight candy? Were you disappointed in your experience with it after reading about it in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe? An interesting article on how C.S. Lewis convinced American children it was good stuff.
On the spread of “Hey” as a greeting throughout the United States…
An amazing lesson plan for teaching speech writing through the Space Shuttle Challenger event…
What good reads (or views) are you finding on the web these days?
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