Amy Artisan

Family | Travel | Craft | Life | Books

Month: May 2017

In the Bag!

I chuckled when I saw today’s Think Write Thursday prompt…write about the contents of your purse. Are you a minimalist? Or do you carry around a knapsack? And say, what’s in there, anyway? Tell us what you’ve got in your purse and why!

(I lucked out with a stunning view from my hotel this week!)

I can answer this question in several different ways; however, right now my purse leans towards minimalism. Why? Because it’s my travel purse. With all my travel in the last 14 months, most trips have been limited to my carry-on luggage: a wheel aboard suitcase & my work bag (these days a great backpack. And as airlines are trying to be stricter about carry-on bags, I need to have a purse that can easily tuck into a bag when I board the plane.

This travel purse sparks joy in my Kon Mari journey – when I commented about needing a good travel purse (months before I knew I’d be traveling all the time), my sister convinced Mom that we both needed these beautiful burgundy leather bags from across the pond – my first foray into the gorgeous Modalu England handbags. It was a lovely surprise to find this bag under the Christmas tree in December 2015.

I’m finishing up another week on the road – my 14th week of 2017 that includes travel. So, what do I keep in this travel purse? In addition to a small wallet, a quick peek inside the bag includes:

  • This week, my passport since I’m finishing up a trip to Mexico
  • A purple pen
  • 2 phones – my work phone is pictured & my personal phone snapped this picture
  • Ear buds for listening to tunes in flight and participating in conference calls that don’t stop when I’m on the road
  • A small cell phone charger & cable – this credit card size one was a great promo as one of our product brands celebrated 100 years – it’s small enough to always be in a purse, no matter the size of the bag. It is helpful
  • Kleenex, hand sanitizer for trying to stay healthy; throat drops to sooth incessant throat tickles; not pulled out, a small container of Motrin for headaches.
  • A hairband for pulling my hair back into some semblance of ponytail or messy bun
  • Burt’s Bees rose tinted lip balm for a splash of color & a lavender coconut lip balm. The lavender scent was much appreciated on Monday’s flight into Mexico – about 30 minutes before landing, the gentleman in the seat in front of me became sick – liberally applying the lip balm kept a pleasant scent closest to me until off the plane.

Work travel is going to slow down for the foreseeable future…as that happens, my other “purse-onality” will reemerge as I swap back to larger bags for day-to-day use at home. The contents of this travel bag will migrate back to the larger bag – and some items that travel in my backpack will also be in my purse as warranted: a larger cosmetic pouch (think nail file, lotion, band-aids, etc.), my Kindle, a Swell water bottle, sunglasses.

What is your purse-onality?

Linking up with Carole & Kat for Think Write Thursday. 

Recently…April 2017

Ah APRIL..a month filled with planned travel for work and fun and unplanned delays…spring blooms and pollen…Easter…time with family and friends…and more…in the midst of it all, these are the things that filled my April days…

Reading…while only finishing 3 books in the month (Bury Your Dead by Louise Penny; The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan; And Then All Hell Broke Loose: Two Decades in the Middle East by Richard Engel), I also had major start-itis & have several other books in active reading rotation…

Wearing…my Tieks more often than not…I’ve added Pewter to my line-up this spring…I can see that those shoes might be the only shoes I need to pack for spring & summer business trips…

Arranging…on a Sunday afternoon I went to my local garden center for a fun floral arranging class and came home with a bright arrangement to bring cheer to my mantel…

Traveling…for work twice during the month…the first trip included 2 extra days in Milwaukee because of the Delta meltdown after severe spring weather hit Atlanta one week..

Exploring…the Milwaukee Art Museum on my unplanned Saturday in town while waiting to get back home…when you end up being the only one for a docent led tour, you end up with an hour long private tour of the collection highlights…

Battling…a spring cold that included completely losing my voice 4 days before facilitating a 2 day training session…recovery was fueled by a salt room session, non-stop throat drops under my tongue, plenty of hot tea, rest and soldiering on…

Celebrating…Easter at home with the family in the ‘Ville…it was great to be home for a bit and just hang out…

Cooking…not too much but trying to do some simple food prep along the way to have clean and simple options available at home…

Listening…to the sounds outside as I enjoy having my patio door open whenever possible…early mornings are filled with a chorus of bird songs…early evenings are filled with neighborhood kids playing in our collective backyard…

Knitting…a simple shawlette is on the needles to showcase a beautiful skein of yarn dyed by Vicki.

Looking ahead…May is filled with work travel (hello Florida, Ohio, Mexico)…a quick visit to the Jersey Shore to celebrate a friend’s wedding…a visit to the WI-fam to celebrate the newest member of the family…and more…

What filled your April days?

Belatedly linking up with Leigh’s What I’m Into Round-Up.



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