The meteorologists say that summer “officially” arrives this weekend – even as they are providing the forecasts for hot & humid in these final “spring” days. Now that we are in summer, today’s Ten on Tuesday is a summer bucket list – things I’d like to do before autumn rolls in.

Filling the summer bucket…
- Continue to exercise #konmari as I tackle the stuff in my house. I recently read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and have started applying her principles to my “stuff” – I will definitely blog about this experience. This morning, 9 large bags of clothes were picked up for donation as a result of the weekend #konmari session with my clothes.
- See a movie at a drive-in theater.
- Take in another Iron Pigs baseball game.
- Visit another presidential library.
- Can some jam. As summer fruit starts to appear at the farm stands, I look forward to spending a few hours in the kitchen & “putting up” some pretty jars for winter enjoyment.
- Enjoy some family vacation time at summer camp in upstate New York.
- Send a pack of t-shirts away to become a t-shirt quilt.
- Achieve my “summer reading challenge” at the local library. My target is 12 books – of course, they consider summer to end on August 18th.
- Spend some time coloring in my copy of “the” Secret Garden coloring book I picked up in London last summer.
- Complete a photobook for 2013 or 2014 with the Shutterfly Photo Story app. This is my new scrapbooking.
I’m sure there will be many other things that will fill my summer bucket in the coming weeks. As I look at this list (& other things on the calendar), I see a nice mix of home…travel…family…friends.
What is on your list for the summer?
June 18, 2015 at 5:29 pm
A drive-in movie!! There’s a theater north of us in Freedom and I’ve never been. Another thing to add to my list!! Happy Summer!