Amy Artisan

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Four Rows Forward…Four Rows Back…

I had great plans for making a lot of progress on Capri last night. I got started right away & noticed that my stitch counter seemed to show more middle stitches than I thought I had completed on Tuesday. Did I stop & do a physical count of stitches? Oh no, that would be too easy. So I continued knitting & moved ahead 4 rows. It was time to add the 3rd triangle repeat into the mix & as I was nearing the end of the “add” row I was coming out with the wrong number of stitches.

Count…hmm…count again…hmm…time to start taking out rows…1 row…2 rows…3 rows…count…hmm…count again…hmm…another row back…another row back…count…count again…count again – ok time to restart this row…count midway through…on schedule…count at the end…it works! 1 row down…knit another…knit another…knit another…knit another…knit another…time to call it an evening.

Total rows knit in the evening = 10; Total progress in the evening = 6.

Needless to say, I’m looking forward to making more progress this evening!

P.S. Have you seen the “fun” little Countdown to Closing Ceremonies counter that Anny & her husband have put together? (See sidebar) The colors will move from green to yellow to red as Feb. 26th draws near. Just a little motivation to Knit On!


  1. When I did my cast on for my first ever pair of socks, I had to repeat 3 times because I had the wrong number of stitches. I only counted once and never double checked. Grrrr….

  2. Keep up the diligence!!! Plow ahead!!! Oh, we’d like to see a picture too! 🙂

  3. That counter is just scary. 🙂

  4. You can do it, Amy!! I’ve done similar things, where I think I’m making progress, only to have to rip it all out and basically break even at the end of the night. But you definitely have forward motion and I’m sure tonight will be a better night! 🙂 I’m cheering you on!! Take care!

  5. Counting demon rears his ugly head. Been at my olympic knitting, too. Slayed him good! (Knock on wood)

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