Amy Artisan

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And Now for an Non Knitting Endeavor…

There will be no knitting for me this weekend; however, artistic endeavors are on the agenda. This weekend will be my 3rd annual “Winter Retreat” with my Creative Memories scrapbook friends. An “escape” to the ‘burbs for 3 days of scrappin’ at a hotel. (Ideally, 3 full days but the craziness of work this week means that my planned vacation day for today isn’t happening to I won’t get started on the fun till late this afternoon.) Since we stay overnight at the hotel, after dinner we always put on our pajama pants & slippers before coming back town to our meeting room (with plenty of table space for each of us) & keep working till midnight. It is so nice to not have to pack up ALL our stuff at the end of each day because we just lock the room up till the next morn’. I look forward to these weekends as a chance to get a lot of pages completed.

This year my sister is flying in from Atlanta to join in the fun. What is my goal for the weekend? To start on my Italy/Greece 2005 trip album & get a lot of pages done.

I will leave you with one of my favorite pictures from the trip…Ah, Capri!

Off the coast of Capri - June 2005


  1. that picture is stunning. what a sight!

  2. Amy,
    My idea of heaven is knitting in Capri.

  3. The picture is gorgeous! Hope you had a great time on your retreat 🙂

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