Amy Artisan

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Give Thanks…

Today’s 10 on Tuesday is a given during this week of Thanksgiving…10 things I’m thankful for…this list could go in so many different directions and could stretch for many multiples of 10. But for today, a simple list…in no particular order…

Give Thanks

  • My family! We are a family that enjoys being together. I’m thankful that we’re together this week for Thanksgiving. As we shared ’round the Thanksgiving table at church on Sunday, our Thanksgiving tradition is being together…some years our meals have been non-traditional (Planet Hollywood, Benihana’s)…this year we are on for a more traditional meal (& a non-traditional dessert!)
  • The gift of knitting, learned from my Grandma 17+ years ago. Both the activity of working calming stitches & the resulting gifts that are knit for dear ones bring me joy.
  • Dear friends. Silliness…seriousness…honest conversations…fun adventures…just being together…staying connected through the distance…
  • The warmth of hand knits as colder days descend…
  • “My kids” in Wisconsin & Texas. It is such a treat to be “Miss Amy” to these 6 amazing and unique kids. They fill me with joy and we have lots of fun, too!
  • Fun pottery mugs filled with steaming coffee or tea…
  • The technologies that allow me to stay so connected to my dear ones when the miles between us are many. From “text me when you arrive safely” to “gamecasting sporting events” to plenty of silliness in texts to FaceTime when you just need to see each other.
  • Good books and curiosity to keep learning…
  • Monday evenings at the local food pantry…it’s great to spend a couple of hours helping local families shop…some evenings it’s tough to see the scarcity on the shelves with the overwhelming needs…it’s always a great “perspective straightener” to remind me that whatever I’m going through truly isn’t bad.
  • A good job that I enjoy. Sure there are some challenging days but there are also great opportunities.

While it’s great to come up with a list as we approach Thanksgiving I believe it is just as important to be thankful throughout the year.

What are the things that you are most thankful for now…at this moment?

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


  1. Our lists have quite a few overlaps, and I love your reminder to be thankful throughout the whole year!

  2. A great list! I agree with technology. What did my mother do when there was no texting to let her know I arrived safely?

  3. A wonderful list of thankfulness. Thank you for sharing with us.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Amy!!

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