This time last weekend, I was briefly in Wisconsin – yep, my 3rd visit to the WI family in 5 weeks. While each of the other trips was filled with planning & anticipation by all of us leading up to the weekend, this trip was a little different…only 1 person knew I was coming. Bre’s Confirmation was on Saturday afternoon and while we all wished I could join them for the weekend, with all the recent trips we assumed that wouldn’t happen…then, I found a good flight option and so a secret trip was planned.

A surprise Saturday morning journey
I was on the 5:50 AM flight out of Philly on my way west. By 9:00 AM I was settling into my rental at the Milwaukee airport for the drive north. It was a beautiful Wisconsin Saturday for the drive that I have done so many times. Of course, a WI road trip included a stop at Kwik Trip – the new weekly Packers Player cup filled with diet Dew fueled the drive. The “never lost” GPS system from the car rental brought a chuckle – there was no need for it on a route that I know so well. Throughout the trek, I was staying in touch with my partner in crime with ETA updates & confirming if I was coming home or just showing up to the pizza party – the timing worked to come home before the lunchtime party.
Before long, I was home. I pulled into the driveway & walked into the garage & into the house just like I have done numerous times. Bre was in the doorway & the look on her face was priceless – she immediately asks her mom if the plan was that I was coming all along. Meanwhile, Vicki is around the corner & can’t yet see me. She quickly turns the corner & sees me – as her jaw drops. Surprise achieved! (Oh to have had the camera rolling) Hugs and laughter ensued as the boys came downstairs and saw I was there.

Celebrating Bre!
The afternoon was all about celebrating Bre! With Bre’s work schedule, the party was before the confirmation. Friends & family joined at a local restaurant for pizza and cake to celebrate. Late in the afternoon we all piled into the pews at church for her confirmation mass. After mass, a few pictures before Bre had to go to work.
After the confirmation festivities were over, we settled into our typical “time together” routine – it doesn’t take much to keep us entertained when we’re together. Saturday evening was just hanging out while watching some baseball and football and listening to a Mercer football game. Sunday was a lazy morning of deep conversation and then we headed to Green Bay for lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings before I needed to leave – since the Packers had already played, it didn’t dawn on us that it was opening Sunday of the football season and so BWW was loud & crowded. Then 20 hours & 45 minutes after I walked in the door to surprise them, we were saying goodbyes in the restaurant parking lot and it was time to drive down to Milwaukee and fly back to PA…I arrived home late Sunday night for a quick 7 hours before my next journey…
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