Amy Artisan

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Category: Knit (page 25 of 25)

Sunday Afternoon Stash Sundae

It has been an organizing sort of afternoon. One of the things to do was pull the remnants from my stash & get them in some semblance of order instead of strands all through the stash box. I started winding each remnant into a ball & resulting bunch reminded me of ice cream scoops. So, before putting them away in the basket I just had to get a picture of the Sunday Afternoon Stash Sundae!

Stash Sundae

Meet the Mission Scarf

My first FO of 2006! 🙂 I’ve named this scarf Mission.

Mission Scarf

Why? The obvious is that this was knit with Mission Falls 1824 wool. The primary color (cocoa) was originally purchased in the fall to be my new scarf for the winter but it wasn’t dark enough for what I was wanting to make. The color stripes were hiding in my stash from a scarf that I knit in 2003.

This was a very fast & fun knit – one evening watching the Rose Bowl game and midway through the March of the Penguins DVD on Friday evening and it’s done.

This was my first lengthwise-knit scarf & I love how it turned out. The secondary colors were knit together with the main color so the “color rows” are a bit thicker & show as a bit marbled.

The second reason that I am calling this Mission is that it’s colors remind me of La Purisima Mission near Lompoc, CA. Among the memories are school field trips and family visits to the mission when we lived in Lompoc when I was in elementary school. In fourth grade everyone had to do a “mission project” & be creative – my project was a counted-cross stitch of the mission. It was my first (of not many) cross stitch project. Today more than 20 years after that class project the finished canvas is framed & hanging on my living room art wall here in Chicago.

(The scarf is pictured with a miniature of the mission.)

Current WIPs

So the new year has started…what does that mean for my knitting needles? A couple of WIPs on the needles & a couple of WIPs off the needles that need to be blocked before being ready for prime time. Pictures will come in future posts.

On the needles:
#1 – The Baby Marlowe Blanket – A simple blanket that should have been finished in 2005 but as I was nearing the end of the blanket it was obvious that I was going to run out of one of the yarns before running out of stitches. Yep, that was lack of planning. So on New Year’s Eve I frogged the whole thing & started over. The good news is that I’m about 2/3 of the way done with the “redo.”

#2 – A Stash Buster Scarf – Going through my stash I pulled some Mission Falls wool from my 2002 scarf & some new Mission Falls wool & am knitting a quick scarf. It’s now finished! See here.

Off the needles:
#1 – Java Keyhole Scarf – A new scarf to go with my new winter coat.

#2 – Java Headband – A new headband to go with the new scarf and winter coat.

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