Amy Artisan

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Category: Knit (page 24 of 25)

Patience Knitting Grasshopper

When I got home from work yesterday I had a package waiting for me…a yarn package…a package that is a key element of my entry in The Knitting Olympics.

I quickly ripped into the box & smiled at what I saw. Then came the hard part – restraining myself from getting started right away on this project.

Thankfully I have several things planned for this weekend that will divert me from focusing on this project. (more about those in another post)

In less than 2 weeks the games begin in Torino…until then I will leave you with a sneak peek at the yarn! Any ideas what my Olympic Knitting event will be?

Patience Knitter

Spinning the color wheel…

Have you checked out Lolly’s idea for Project Spectrum?

Over the course of six months you are encouraged to create projects around specific colors. Obviously knitting is one way to create but all other creative outlets are encouraged.

Here’s a listing of the color months:
March – Red and Pink
April – Orange and Yellow
May – Green
June – Blue
July – Violet / Purple
August – Neutrals / Black & White

This sounds like such a fun project! My goal is going to be to have a color project in at least 2 mediums each month. The timing of this project is perfect for me – over the weekend I had decided on a project (non knitting) that will actually yield results for at least 2 of these color months.

Are you in? I look forward to seeing the color explosion across the blogs in the coming months.

Knitter in Training…

As many of you are aware…the Yarn Harlot has called on all knitters to gather for the Knitting Olympics on February 10th for 16 days of knitting challenge. Are you ready?

Just as an athlete trains & goes through compulsory exercises before “the” event…while I decide what new project to tackle for the Olympics I’m spending a little time in training – tackling some new stitch patterns, “practicing speed” with my standby dishcloth pattern, looking at all the bookmarked patterns I’ve saved in the last couple of months as I started browsing knitting blogs. It’s not an exciting picture but here is a sampling of some of the “training” that has been happening this weekend.

Knitting Olympics Prep

The Chicago Scarf…my way

When I first bought the SnB book several years ago I really liked the Chicago scarf and thought it would be fun to do. This winter when getting a new winter coat I thought that scarf pattern would be perfect for tucking inside the coat. I originally envisioned a deep chocolate scarf (to match a great chocolate wool hat) but had a tough time finding yarn that was the color & feel that I wanted.

In mid-November I took a day trip over to the New Buffalo, MI area & discovered a fun knit shop there – Sit & Knit. While I didn’t find a chocolate yarn I find something just as fun – Misti Alpaca Sport in Chocolate Caramel Moulinette.

This was a very quick knit – my modifications to the Chicago scarf were to knit it all in one color and knit a 5×5 rib. I did most of the knitting over the Thanksgiving break (including the 3 hour delay at O’Hare on the way home to Georgia). With the new year I finally got around to blocking it – although it seems like it might need additional blocking. Of course we are having warmer weather in Chicago so far this month I’m not wearing the wool coat that it was meant to go with.

Chicago Scarf

Knitting Multi-Tasking

In an email from Reading Group Guides, the editor of the site included this in her personal note:

“Happy New Year! I hope you had a terrific holiday. I spent a chunk of Christmas week on the Outer Banks knitting and reading — often simultaneously. I like this way to multi-task! One quick note: I noticed that when I am reading “the exciting parts” I pick up stitches. I have learned to put down the knitting when I am at those points. At one point I had added TEN extra stitches to a twenty stitch wide scarf!”

In reading some knitting blogs recently I’ve noticed folks commenting about not getting much reading done these days because of knitting & starting to listen to audio books. The email & blog entries got me thinking about multi-tasking…

I don’t read while knitting but my knitting multi-tasking includes watching TV/DVDs, talking on the phone & even exercising on my recumbent bicycle.

What is the extent of your knitting multi-tasking?

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