Amy Artisan

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InterKNIT Connected

When I was in college, one of my classes was on the emerging technology of “the internet” – it was more than just a technology class, I remember many philosophical discussions about the pros and cons of technology in those Wednesday evening classtimes. This was back in the mid 90s when the internet was more of an unknown and seemed so full of promise. As email became part of my routine I found that I was keeping in touch with friends and family on a regular basis. Now days, if my day gets away from me & I haven’t emailed ‘home’ for a day or two I can count on an email from my Dad with the subject line of “ransom??” asking where to send the money for the kidnappers that have taken me away. Through assorted networking sites I’ve also been able to reconnect with old friends from school and work days. Just this week I had a ‘blast from the past’ email from a dear pal from my elementary school days who I haven’t talked with in more than 22 years.

When I had my grandma teach me to knit (almost 10 years ago), one of the reasons I wanted to learn was to keep a connection with the past – the memories of her knitting throughout my childhood have now transferred to the needles and yarn as I craft new projects.

Since joining the world of bloggers I have enjoyed the community that is built through this medium. During some of the periods when my blogging has been pretty quiet it has been nice to receive emails from blog-friends just checking in to see if I’m ok. Another fun part of blogging has been participating in assorted swap fun. This summer has been no exception – I’ve had fun co-hosting Knitters Tea Swap 3 and participating in Craftylilly’s Knitflix Summer Blockbuster Swap.

Summer Swap Fun!

Thanks to Kate for the tea swap treats! And thanks to Felicia for the Knitflix treats! For the past week I have been battling a summer cold and my assorted tea selections from both boxes have been soothing treats. (In the realm of ‘it’s a small world,’ Felicia lives in Macon, GA where I went to college.) Your swap goodies will arrive soon.

An emerging connection in the knit world is indeed Ravelry. I received my invite a couple of weeks ago & have had fun cataloging my projects & stash. For everyone waiting for a beta invitation or general release of Ravelry, it is indeed worth the wait!

Last month I mailed in my squares for the Hokie Healing project. Being InterKnit Connected has allowed me several opportunities to participate in “comfort knit” projects. It has been fun to follow the progress of the blankets on the blog. The blankets have now been assembled & will be on display for a few hours this Sunday. Mosaic Yarn Shop has t-shirts available to commemerate this incredible activity. When I saw the blog posting I immediately called the shop – my t-shirt arrived this week.

Knitting for Healing

My latest comfort knit project – squares for the Rebuilding Greensburg – has been a great relaxation for me this week in the midst of nonstop work.

I enjoy writing posts for the blog – it is fun to see the connections that are made through topics discussed, comments made, etc. Thanks to everyone who connected with Summer Sleuthing and sharing your summer book memories – it was fun to see many new authors and series in with many of my other “books of summer.” Congratulations to Kara & Sandy – your names were drawn from my floppy beach hat as the winners of Cast On, Bets Off.

How are you InterKNIT connected? (even if you aren’t a knitter) 🙂


  1. Thank you, thank you, Amy! This is my first time winning a blog contest…so excitiing.

    The connections made in blogland are truly amazing. I love the feeling of having so many friends I have yet to meet.

  2. Thank you Amy> This too is my first winning. I love the way you write your blog. It’s so interesting. I connect by reading blogs, and getting many knitting projects from the computer. I try to have one community project on the needles or crochet hook or sewing machine at all times. It’s so important to give back. Thanks for such fun reads. Like your Dad I miss your musings when you haven”t written for a few days. Keep up the good work and have a great day. sandy

  3. Blogs and social networks like Ravelry have put me smack in the middle of something larger than me, myself and I. The feeling of belonging is tremendous.

  4. I’m so glad you liked your package Amy! Enjoy them 🙂

  5. Congrats to the winners!!
    Since starting to blog in January 2005 I have “meet” the nicest people all over the world! I read mostly knitting blogs and those people are the best. We all have diffrent backgorunds and lifes but we all have a love for knitting and all that comes with it. I have been enjoying reading your blog! Keep up the good work and have a great day!

  6. Hi Amy!! Glad you enjoyed the treats!! I can’t wait to see what you make with the yarn! Enjoy!!!

  7. You always say it so well, Amy!

  8. Such a nice swap package! I was just telling someone about my purse/map that you made me for our swap the other day. They were a bit gobsmacked about the whole swap idea – “with strangers?” asked in horror. Um, hardly.

    Interknit is right. And that’s just a great thing.

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