Amy Artisan

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Category: QuickLit (page 3 of 3)

Recently Read – February 2014

Reading this month has ebbed and flowed around here. After the ice storm earlier this month, my phone/cable/internet didn’t return when the power came back on. It was a 5 day wait for the service tech to come out for the 5 minute fix. During those days and evenings, there was a lot of reading (alternated with a fair bit of knitting). Once I was “back online,” my reading slowed as I was sucked into the Olympics & did a lot of knitting while watching. For February, I “answered the challenge” to only read books from my own library. So, this month several books have become available at the library that I want to read & I am letting them go back to the bottom of the list.

  • Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde – Another clever installment in the Thursday Next series – I think I’ll keep going with this series. #literaryhumor
  • The Noticer by Andy Andrews – I picked this up during a good sale on Amazon around the holidays. A quick & delightful allegory about perspective. A good read for January that is staying with me. I may make this an annual read. I was highlighting so many times while reading this story. A favorite passage: ” Think with me here … everybody wants to be on the mountaintop, but if you’ll remember, mountaintops are rocky and cold. There is no growth on the top of a mountain. Sure, the view is great, but what’s a view for? A view just gives us a glimpse of our next destination — our next target. But to hit that target, we must come off the mountain, go through the valley, and begin to climb the next slope. It is in the valley that we slog through the lush grass and rich soil, learning and becoming what enables us to summit life’s next peak. #ponderingperspective
  • Eighty Days: Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland’s History-Making Race Around the World by Matthew Goodman – The story of Nellie Bly was a favorite in the Value Tales I read as a child, so when I saw this book I immediately picked it up with my Christmas 2012 Amazon card and plunged into it. Then it languished for long periods of time. When the ice storm hit & I was semi-offline for 5 days, I picked this back up & finished the journey. The tales of their round the world journey (in opposite directions) were very interesting, as were the stories of their lives after those “80 days.” I am a fan of well-written narrative nonfiction and this delivers. #learnedalot
  • South of Superior by Ellen Airgood – A read that sat dormant for way too long. I picked up this book when it came out & then it got put aside with the whirlwind of 2012 & 2013. A story of coming to a new place and initially feeling like a fish out of water and discovering that the new place really is your water and the people surrounding you really are your tribe. In addition to colorful characters, the along the southern shore of Lake Superior in the UP is a vibrant character – while reading the story I could picture the charming area where my sister & I had a “Sisters at the Shore” weekend in June 2010.  “She walked, and with each step she let another inch of the long furl of her expectations go. The place itself was like a steady hand, a low voice, a very old person who’d seen too much to get overexcited anymore. Stop now a minute, it said. Stop searching.” #missingtheuppermidwest
  • The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion –  A quirky love story and comedy. The process & analytics side of my brain chuckled at some of the rationale ‘ approach the main character had in his quest to complete “the wife project.” It was in a similar vein as a favorite movie, As Good As It Gets. Parts of it read more as a screenplay. “You can’t go through life not listening to music.#cleverread

Current active reads are The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbreth/J.K. Rowling & The Pun Also Rises by John Pollack & Crazy Love by Francis Chan. #alwaysplentymoretoread

Linking up with the monthly Twitterature round-up hosted by The Modern Mrs. Darcy.

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Recently Read – January 2014

From an early age, “getting lost in a good book” has been a favorite way to pass the time. With all that reading,  I am frequently sharing recent reads with family, friends, colleagues. It’s time to start sharing more of these reads on the blog.
Books under the Christmas Tree, 2013

Books under the Christmas Tree, 2013

Christmas in the Artisan home isn’t complete without plenty of books under the Christmas tree for all of us. At some point on Christmas Day, you will find all of us in a chair or on a couch with a new book. In 2012, all my books under the tree were in the form of a gift card that I immediately plugged into Kindle. In 2013, all my books were in paper form. In the course of the week between Christmas & New Year’s, I read the first 2 books (lots & lots of pages!) while putting in a full work week plus a Saturday of project cutover work. Ah, the lure of a good book!
  • Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident and the Illusion of Safety by Eric Schlosser – I first saw this book in Barnes & Noble during my fall fun weekend in WI. The cover caught my eye – the cover liner confirmed it – this daughter of a Titan Missileer needed to read this book. A well written history of the US nuclear program as a whole and a detailed account of a specific silo accident. I enjoy good narrative nonfiction and this had it. Reading this book also presented the opportunity to learn a lot more about my Dad’s days spent underground in Kansas – both through the pages and talking and asking more questions while I was home for Christmas. I definitely don’t take for granted how good it was to have him back home after every 24 hour shift underground. #childofthecoldwar #heavyreading
  • The Circle by Dave Eggers – Future fiction imagines “what if” all our activity is fully online. The end was meh. Makes you think about what really is too much w/ all this connectedness.  Some of the connections were absurd – some were just slightly exaggerated from where we are today – some may have been introduced at recent show. Couple this fiction read with some non-fiction reads on technology overload and imbalance that I’ve read in the last 2 years- it definitely has me pondering how best to be connected. #notgoingoffgrid #dontneedtoshareall
  • Everything I Need to Know I Learned From a Little Golden Book by Diane E. Muldrow – A fun compilation of the life lessons we were learning as we learned to read w/ Little Golden Books. The introduction to this quick book was almost as insightful as the fun phrases and illustrations from the childhood favorites. #wowthefunbooksweredeep
  • The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde – Starting a “new to me” series that I’ve wanted to read for a while. Fun mash up of save the world + slightly altered society + literature references. I look forward to reading the rest of the series. My favorite quotation from the book: “No bond is stronger than that welded in conflict; no greater friend is there than the one who stood next to you as you fought.” #mightbetimetoreadjaneeyreagain
  • Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay – A bit of chick lit – a bit of faith – a bit of Chicago. A fun & quick read that was more than just a “standard” chick lit. Also, some fun use of Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte and other classic authors. #notjustfluff
Starting this month, I’m linking up with the Twitterature reviews hosted by Modern Mrs. Darcy. Each month, the challenge is to share book reviews in “twitter-like” summary.

Linking up with the Twitterature Reviews hosted by Modern Mrs. Darcy

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