Amy Artisan

Family | Travel | Craft | Life | Books

Author: Amy (page 75 of 84)

A bit of housekeeping…

Pardon the dust here at Amy Artisan over the last couple of days. I’ve upgraded WordPress & am hoping that will take care of the recent viewing/comment problems some of you have been having.

I’ve also been tweaking categories & pages and decided to go with a new theme to freshen up the place. (I don’t know if the changes may show lots of Bloglines updates?)

I know a lot of you have stopped by over the last couple of days & haven’t been able to comment – if things are showing up “ok” for you please drop me a comment.

A Cup of Tea…A Cup of Memories…

When I saw the link for a Knitters Tea Swap I knew I had to sign up for that. When asked which I prefer, coffee or tea, I say both – each has their time & place in my world.

Knitters Tea Swap

Suzie, the swap hostess asked us to show our tea stash – so that was the catalyst for this post. As I was contemplating what to write about my stash ideas kept coming & coming so I thought it would make a good post here instead of just a quick post on the KTS blog. (Greetings to my fellow KTS pals who have stopped by!)

My Tea Mosaic

When I look at this mosaic of tea items what do I see?

  • Constant Comment is always in my stash because it was always at home – it is a frequent “go to tea” when I can’t decide what I want or when I’m not feeling well. The smell of Constant Comment reminds me of my mom in her robe at the kitchen table with breakfast ready for us when I was growing up – she would have a her hands wrapped around a mug of tea and frequently have a kitty in her lap.
  • My NPR mugs from assorted membership drives – I first discovered NPR when I was in college & didn’t have a TV in my room. On my daily commutes to work NPR is on the radio – I know it’s a bad commute when the 2 hour loop kicks in & I hear a story repeated.
  • Babingtons Tea – memories of my Italy & Greece trip last summer (see below).
  • I bought my white teapot on clearance at Pottery Barn 9 years ago (before it became ‘POTTERY BARN’) – I love the simple & classic shape of it.
  • The electric tea kettle – boiling water in an instant. I’ve only had one for the last 3 years…it is great, how did I live without it?
  • Pomegranate Pizazz – while not technically a tea because it is fruit & herbs only it is my favorite iced tea these days. I’m rarely without a pitcher of it made up & ready to go in the fridge.
  • Sweet vs. Unsweet? Upon moving to Georgia in high school I was quickly introduced to the world of “sweet tea” when ordering iced tea. Sweet iced tea is definitely not my cup of tea! It is pretty much simple syrup with a bit of tea – in high school I worked at Chick-fil-A & had to make gallons of it (one of their highlights) & was amazed at the amount of sugar that was put in a 5 gallon tub. I also learned that it is hard for sweet tea restaurants to make decent unsweet tea – they think you can brew the unsweet tea for as long as you do the sweet stuff – basically, keep the bags in forever or until you remember them. I prefer my iced tea unsweet but like a smidge of sweet in the hot tea.
  • A bit of kitsch – My tea stirrers are cocktail swizzle sticks in fun tropical themes. They are stored in an extra Arizona Iced Tea instant tea tin – pre-PomPizazz this was a great iced tea to always have on hand.
  • VarieTEA – My stash has quite an assortment of brands, types, flavors, etc. I’m always picking up something new to try.
  • Lottsa Mugs! This doesn’t even count the 8 mugs from my dinnerware & I think I may have a few extras in storage in the basement. One of the pluses of having a lot of mugs is that you’ll always have clean ones are the ready for a quick pot of tea – whether by myself or in the company of family & friends.

As I was pulling things together from the stash, I also started thinking about the wonderful tea time memories with family and friends – so I thought I’d include a few highlight memories in this post as well. I don’t have digital pictures from all these memories but here are a few pictures.

In May 1999 my family took a wonderful vacation to Bermuda. One afternoon we enjoyed traditional afternoon tea at the Lighthouse Tearoom at the Bermuda Lighthouse. We had a lovely view of the surroundings, a wonderful tea menu and many great memories that we still recall today. In fact, whenever we talk about going back to Bermuda (soon) we have afternoon tea on our list to do again.

Tea at the Peninsula

Here in Chicago I’ve experienced afternoon tea at 2 downtown hotels. The first place I tried was the Drake Hotel – it was a beautiful room filled with dark wood and live music. The first tea was a baby shower in 2003 for a friend that had moved away. The second tea was a birthday celebration with a friend later that year. The next hotel I tried is definitely my favorite hotel tea – The Peninsula Chicago. Both times that I have been have been “Kansas Sister” outings when Rebec has been in town. The first time was a surprise birthday present for the younger sisters. The second time was in December 2004 – we had a sisters afternoon that started with the Jackie O exhibit at the Field Museum and ended with tea in the Peninsula lobby that was beautifully decorated for Christmas.

Afternoon Tea in Rome

While on our Italy/Greece trip last summer we also managed to have a lovely afternoon tea – although, I must confess we chose iced coffee (cafe fria) as our refreshment from the hot Roman sun. Our day in Rome was nonstop – in line for the Vatican Museum at 7:30 AM and on the go from there (through the Coliseum and forum and then a walking tour). We had been looking forward to seeing the Spanish Steps – visions of Audrey Hepburn & Roman Holiday definitely shaped that. So we come to the steps and in a word we were disappointed – the steps were overflowing with people (which we expected because it was tourist season) and the church at the top of the steps was being renovated so the scaffolding was covered in nearly obscene advertisements. We had a bit of free time in the area & discovered Babington’s Tea Room just to the left of the steps (when looking up them). So while the kids were thrilled to fill up at the golden McDonald’s on the other side of the steps and do some shopping (Bennetton, seriously) we enjoyed a respite from the heat & bustle. On our way out the door we each picked up some tea to bring back with us as well as a cup and saucer.

I’m always on the lookout for new teas & new tea experiences – what are some of your favorites?

The Wheels on the Car…the Rows of the Sock…go round & round…

The weekend road trip to Ohio was a lot of fun. As we got on the road we did a quick trip down Michigan Ave. (aka the Magnificent Mile) to take in the gorgeous displays of tulips. It was a beautiful day for a road trip – as we covered the Indiana Toll Road I was amazed by all the shades of green we say – grasses, trees – it all was so lush. We made a slight detour through Indiana’s Amish Country & enjoyed a delicious lunch and did a bit of shopping.

Once in Findlay (aka Flag City USA ) we had a very nice time celebrating Clara Pearl’s birthday. She loved the lap blanket – it will be well used when she gets chilled. To celebrate her 70th birthday, the word went out to everyone to send her cards – by Saturday afternoon she had received close to 90. One of my cousins and her family came down from Toledo on Saturday afternoon to celebrate. On our way home from dinner at a local favorite, we stopped by a park to see the final days of the annual Easter story sand sculpture.

Scenes from Ohio

On Sunday we were able to enjoy seeing my cousin’s kids in their church musical. After lunch with them we hit the road & managed to avoid a lot of rain on the drive back to Chicago.

Over the course of the weekend I got a fair amount of knitting done – including having to frog one project on Friday evening (by the time we were back in Chicago I had recovered all that knitting progress and then some).

Last night was the first (of 2) session of my “Knitting Socks on 2 Circulars” class at Arcadia. For this first pair of socks I have decided that I’m not going to use any of the hand dyed yarns that I’ve picked up over the last couple of months – I want to “practice” with other yarn. So I’m working with Cascade Sassy Stripes in the purple/lavender colorway (#769).
Socks on 2 Circulars

There is only one other gal in the class – because we had both done socks before we started right in on our sock yarn instead of practicing the technique on scrap yarn. I now own my first pair(s) of Addi Turbos (#2) & I cast on for a basic sock. The first couple of rows were hard to visualize “where to go” when you reached the end of a half. But after about 3 rows it clicked & I was moving stitches to the cable, turning the sock around & picking up needle ends without a problem.

In the class we will not complete a sock – rather we will learn the basic parts. Next week we will work on the gusset. So during this week I want to get tube & heel flap done so the gusset work could be on a wearable sock. When I got home I worked round & round for about an hour & then put the sock down to work on some other projects that need to be finished within the next 10 days.

Sally Says…Welcome to the first installment of “Sally Says…” – this will be an occasional feature on Amy Artisan where I share fun things that I’ve discovered through my iPod (name Sally by my sister). These may be podcasts or music & I don’t know how frequently they will appear.

In the last couple of weeks I have started exploring podcasts more & have discovered an assortment of fun ones. A couple that I haven’t seen mentioned before:
KnitTunes Music to knit by…each episode is dedicated to a specific stitch or type of project.
CraftLit – Some knitting talk & then chapters of books to knit by – currently it is Pride & Prejudice.

Also in rotation on the iPod are the tunes of Family Groove Company – a great band from here in Chicago. They have just released their second album, Charmer. If you are in Chicago, they are having a release party at The Cubby Bear on Saturday evening – it’s sure to be a great time.

Since this post is a bit of a hodge podge – here is one last random item for today. I’ve never watched American Idol – I saw one episode of the first season & it didn’t pull me in. Well, I’ve been watching this season. Why? Because one of my sister’s students has been a contestant. Yes friends, my sister taught Paris in her Psychology class last fall. So, we’ve been cheering her on. Once the Paris audition aired earlier this year she came back to the high school & wanted to see my sister. Here is a picture of Rebec with Paris.
American Idol
In addition to the class taking some pictures with her they were also treated to an impromptu performance of her audition song. “Knowing” someone on the show has been fun – even though she didn’t win the competition it will be fun to see where she goes from here.

While the knitting pictures are few – the knitting hours in the past week have been many. In the next couple of weeks I will be able to reveal pictures of the projects.


* Yellow & Orange @ Home

Before April slips away from us I thought I’d post some yellow & orange scenes from around my house.

The March colors of pink & red weren’t too common in my house – I felt like I was really on a scavenger hunt to find things to put in the collage. This month was much easier. In fact, as I’m writing this entry I’m thinking of several other things that I forgot to capture & include.

The “biggest” orange thing in my home is also the hardest to capture. The walls in my entry, living room & dining room are a terra cotta color. When I was first looking at this apartment I asked the landlord “Now you’ll repaint the walls before I move in” (because the color didn’t go with the previous tenants decor so it looked horrible) – the response was “No, I like it.” When I got back to my other apartment I started looking at my things & realized that they all would work perfectly with the colored walls. When people come to my place for the first time they are often amazed that I didn’t have to buy any new things to make my stuff work with the terra cotta walls. The color on the walls give my space a cozy feeling & seem to pull everything together. (Sidenote: Several months after moving in I was scrapbooking & using the color wheel – I noticed that orange makes the 3rd to green & purple…as I have been creating my home style I had been picking a lot of sage & eggplant in my decor – so the terra cotta truly was a great fit for me.)
Yellow & Orange @ Home
Looking at this mosaic of yellow & orange I find that several of my collections are represented in it:
Sunflowers: Being a Kansas gal I’ve always enjoyed sunflowers, although just because something has a sunflower on it doesn’t mean that I like it (a bit of a sunflower snob). The pillow is a needlepoint done by Artisan Dad.
Salt & Pepper Shakers: I don’t have a specific theme to my collection – some are vintage, some are new.
Vintage Brooches: Such a fun way to accessorize & add a bit of color to any outfit!
Cool pottery: Fiestaware (these are new pieces), a bit of McCoy, other cool vintage pieces – I really like California pottery.

That’s all for April here at Amy Artisan – looking forward to being in the green in May!

Artisan Dad & Mom are flying in this evening – this weekend we road trip to Ohio for my aunt’s birthday. See you next month…

Fiber Fun…

That was the subject line of an email I sent to my friends Jen & Kristy on Friday suggesting a Sunday outing and it pretty much sums up my weekend activities.

I discovered on Friday morning that Debbie Stoller was coming to Arcadia Knitting on Sunday afternoon to sign books & talk about SnB: The Happy Hooker. The afternoon was a lot of fun – we all managed to pick up some yarn – I picked up some yarn for a current secret project as well as some Lorna’s Laces “Glory” that was on sale & also the HH book.

Debbie’s talk about crochet (& a bit of knitting) was very fun & we all enjoyed the modeling & passing around of some of the items from the HH book. Afterwards I had her sign my copy of the first SnB as well as the HH – on our way home I realized that she signed HH to the name of the woman ahead of me, oh well.

When my grandma gave me her stash of knitting needles several years ago she also gave me her crochet hooks – they have just sat unused since then. Over the next couple of months I want to learn some of the crochet basics & then maybe make a few of the items from HH – the one skein scarf looks fun. Of course, any adventures in crochet will be chronicled here.

After the yarn store we all came back to my place for an evening of knitting, dinner from our favorite Thai place & watching Sense & Sensibility. I got both of them started on knitting in the round & we are all now working on our first felted bag projects. Kristy is doing the clutch from One Skein, I’m doing a bag based on the tote from One Skein & Jen is working on a bag based on a couple of felted patterns. I also got started on the secret project with the yarn I picked up in the afternoon.

    Help Please: Does anyone have any experience (good or bad) with attaching circular bamboo handles to felted bags? It dawned on me this morning that we might have crossed bag concepts when we were yarn shopping a few months ago…maybe the circulars were when we were thinking non-felted bag & then when we moved to felted bag mode we didn’t ‘drop’ the handles. Any insights will be greatly appreciated!

In other Fiber Fun this weekend…

Yarn Organization – Saturday afternoon included a bit of time working on the stash & getting yarn organized. All partial skeins have now been wound into balls, similar yarns are all grouped together in ziploc bags & I now have a better handle on what I have on hand & what projects I want to make with them.

The Clara Pearl Afghan – Over the weekend I also finished up the lap afghan for my Aunt – this weekend I will give it to her for her 70th birthday.
Clara Pearl's Lap Afghan

The Knit Details: Lion Brand Homespun WATERFALL; about 2 ¼ skeins of yarn; size 17 circular needles; it is 70 stitches wide in celebration of her 70th birthday.

I love the way that the Homespun colorways reveal themselves as you knit and the end result feels so soft and cuddly. However, the actual process of knitting with this yarn has to be one of my least favorite. Why? The kinks & fluffs that develop as you go.
Homespun Kinks & Fluffs
You know what I’m talking about – the yarn bunches up all tight ahead of your needle & as much energy is spent relaxing the yarn before it goes into stitches as is spent on the actual knitting. I had several instances where the yarn got so bunched that when I tried to loosen it the center string just snapped & I had to cut the yarn & restart it. As for the fluffs, the tail ends of the yarn become a pile of fluff & can be hard to sew/weave into your work. Any suggestions for how you handle these ‘issues’ with this yarn?

Monthly Dishcloth KAL – I got a late start on the mid-April Monthly Dishcloth KAL & I have to admit that I don’t know when I will finish it. The pattern is fun; however, in the practical kitchen use category I think it is scoring low.
April Mid-Month KAL
Since I make dishcloths to actually be used (vs. “oh, they are too pretty to use, I’ll just look at it”) and have a lot of other projects to be working on in the coming weeks I won’t be rushing to get this off the needles. The yarn loops that form the “bow ties” seem like they are in a prime position to get snagged or cut when in the water actually washing dishes & especially utensils.

Socks – While at Arcadia yesterday I signed up for a 2 session sock class “Sock on Two Circular Needles” in early May. I took a sock class there (um, 3 years ago) & never finished the 2nd sock – since being in knit blogland I’ve loved seeing all the socks being made, have picked up some pretty sock yarn & decided that this year I would get going with socks again. For this class I’m to bring my favorite sock pattern – I think right now a simple sock pattern is in order. To my sock knitting friends – what pattern would you suggest as a good “reintroduction” to socks? This class comes at a great time for me – there is a possibility of work related travel in the coming weeks & months – socks seem to be a great travel project.

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