Snow sparkling in the sun
In February…the calendar says this is always the shortest month…somehow it always seems among the longest months…this year, it was a very busy month with several big work projects…and in the midst of the depths of winter weather, the daylight hours are increasing – a harbinger of spring somewhere on the horizon…these are some of the things that filled my February days…

A Saturday morning read…
Reading…not nearly as much as I had hoped…continuing to work through The Giver Quartet…the first Saturday of the month, I settled in after a week of traveling and lost myself in the story of Lizzy and Jane – a delightful read on so many levels…after thoroughly enjoying my Advent read, I’m starting a new Lent tradition with evening readings from Bread and Wine: Readings for Easter and Lent…
Watching (on the small screen)…thoroughly enjoying Mr. Selfridge on Amazon Prime…viewing most of my shows via DVR playback to “recapture” commercial time…
Watching (on the big screen)…McFarland USA was a great “feel good” flick to enjoy with the family…

Happy Hearts!
Crafting…my box of crayons plus some simple embossed notecards from Etsy made for easy Valentines to wish “happy hearts” to dear ones…
Browsing…50 pieces of creative advice…turning snow & cold weather into a rainbow igloo…rethinking the word “busy” to describe life…a delightful celebration of knitting & grandmas…

A definite citrus theme to a Sunday afternoon in the kitchen…
Cooking…my Baked Savory Oatmeal was perfect for a stretch of cold mornings…I was on a citrus kick with cooking – roasted broccoli & clementines (twice) – citrus roasted chicken with sweet potatoes & pears (twice) – citrus salad…chocolate chili & my carrot-coconut soup were also in rotation – with the travel, I’m glad to have meals waiting for me in the fridge when I get home…

Civic Duty on a Monday
Serving…on an icy Monday, I had to appear at the county courthouse for jury duty…a morning of waiting & then an afternoon on a panel in the courtroom…and at 4:20 that afternoon learning that I was not selected to serve on the jury for the case at hand…I’m glad to have my civic duty fulfilled for at least the next 3 years…

A Sunday stroll along the beach
Traveling…2 weeks of the month were spent with my project in FL…on the first of these trips, when I arrived on a Sunday afternoon, I immediately headed to Deerfield Beach to a favorite “hole in the wall” restaurant for some fresh & tasty seafood & some time along the beach…on the second of these trips, I am enjoying a detour home to the ‘Ville for a weekend with the family before heading back to PA…

A blooming Valentine’s Day
Cultivating…as I focus on my word this year…reading The Fringe Hours and using the prompts within the book as a catalyst for cultivating some of my time…also, cultivating my Christmas amaryllis into full bloom on Valentine’s Day (thankfully the blooms opened while I was home)…
Looking Ahead….more trips to FL for work…the return of “longer days” as we spring forward…
Linking up with Leigh Kramer for the monthly “What I’m Into” round-up. What are you into these days? Was February a “long” month for you, too?
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