Amy Artisan

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Random Bits

Wow – it has been quite a while since I’ve posted. Life has been pretty busy the last couple of weeks. It looks like assorted “random bits” memes are going through blogland again. Julie tagged me for the “7 things” – I generally don’t join in on memes; however, I’ll use that tag as the framework for writing about the random things that have been going on. (After several lovely days here in Chicago the weather is cold & gray today – so pardon the pictures…)

Railroad Socks
1. I’ve been working on the railroad – Last month I started a project with a new client here in downtown Chicago. Within the last 3 weeks I’ve visited 2 of their divisions in the southeast and have spend quite a bit of time around rail cars. The required outfit included a hard hat, safety glasses and ear protection. The travel time gave me plenty of opportunity to work on the current socks on the needles.

Knitters Tea Swap 3
2. It’s tea timeKnitters Tea Swap 3 is in full swing & I’m co-hosting this round. For this one we have decided not to have secret swaps. I’m swapping with Katie. Now that spring is here the iced tea pitcher is always full in the fridge these days. Currently I’m loving Black Currant tea with a sqeeze of lemon – I first became hooked on this combo when I did my college internship in Houston in 1995 & became a frequest diner at Cafe Express.

3. Peony in Love – I recently received an advanced copy of Lisa See’s latest novel. I thoroughly enjoyed Snow Flower and the Secret Fan last year so I was looking forward to getting started on this new one. This newest novel was an excellent read – I started it on the plane down to Atlanta last Friday morning & had it finished by Sunday afternoon. Stay tuned for a review about it in the coming weeks.

Rebuilding Greensburg Sunflower Yarn
4. Kansas Knits – As a Kansas gal, when I saw Laura’s request for squares for afghans for Greensburg I knew I had to participate. When looking through my stash for yarn for the squares I knew I had just the thing – some Sunflowers superwash that I picked up from Cabin Cove Mercantile last summer.

Garden Green
5. Early Blooms – So far the only attention I’ve paid to gardening has been to kill off the weeds in the flowerbed. In the coming weeks I look forward to planting some new plants & working in the garden in the evenings. A few perennials from 2 summers ago survived through the neglect of my travels last summer and now the clematis has climbed up the fence, the sedum continues to grow and the Bachelor’s Button is in bloom this weekend.

6. Family Knits – While visiting the family in the ‘Ville over Mother’s Day weekend I had everyone try on the socks that I’ve already made – ya know, just so I could see how they would fit in case I were to make socks for the Artisan family in the future. Artisan Mom was gifted with plenty of hand knits while I was home – for Mother’s Day and for her birthday. For Mother’s Day I knit 3 garden themed dishcloths (red ladybug, sage hummingbird & yellow sunflower) – hmm, I thought I had taken pictures of those when I finished them back in January but evidently I didn’t. For her birthday I made the Berthe collar from No Sheep for You in bamboo. Of course, I forgot to take a picture of it – maybe when she is up here in a couple of weeks she’ll bring it so we can do an appropriate photo shoot. I had plans for a cotton Bejeweled scarf for Grandma for Mother’s Day; however, evidently I can’t talk & knit on this pattern – I managed to mess it up while talking with Mom once I got home, so it will be done for her birthday in August.

Hokie Heart
7. Healing Knits – In the midst of everything this month I’ve continued working on squares for the Hokie Healing project. I love the subtle shading variations of this maroon and burnt orange. One skein of each has yielded 2 grandma’s favorites, 2 bejeweled and 1 double heart square. These will be going in the mail this week.

If you haven’t posted in a while or haven’t been tagged by a random meme – consider yourself tagged!


  1. Rail repair and maintenance facilities are kind of interesting, aren’t they? Once upon a time, I worked for a Chicago-based company on a computer upgrade project that required me to visit the yards in person.

    Love the happy pinks in the sock picture.

  2. Sounds like you have been busy Amy. Glad to hear that you are doing well and that your Mom and Grandma enjoyed their Mother’s Day! The squares are gorgeous, I love the double hearts 🙂

  3. Good to see you back online! I adore the iced tea at Cafe Express; luckily, there’s one very close to home.

    Your knitting looks terrific, too. Is there a book with garden-themed dishcloths. I want to make some for my aunt for a housewarming/birthday gift.

  4. You sound pretty busy. I’m glad you’ve had time to knit too. I wish I had more traveling time so that I could get some serious knitting done. I love your Hokie square. I’m a Hokie, MS ’03.

    I also knit 3 dishcoths for my mom for Mother’s Day. She has fallen in love with hand knit dishcloths.

  5. The heart Hokie square is beautiful. I’ve got to get mine done and out in the mail myself. Looking forward to seeing the Berthe and the other knits pix, when you can snap them.

    I’d say you’re busy, but you’re always busy!

  6. I love to see all the different projects going on through your blog, knitting and gardening. What kind of clematis do you have? I have a Nelly Moser and she blooms her heart out every spring. I want to take her with me when we move, if I can.

    Your railroad job sounds so interesting — Chris loves trains and has worked with them before too. 🙂

  7. Love your Hokie Hearts!! Thanks so much for spreading the word about our Greensburg afghan project Amy. xoxoxo 🙂

  8. Great railroad socks! I love the story that goes along with them 🙂

  9. Hi Amy, I am in your KTS3 group! I tagged you for a meme (first time I’ve been tagged and doing the tagging). Pls visit my blog!

  10. Wow, you’ve been very busy! I love your pink stripy sock 🙂

  11. Love the dishcloth, Amy! It looks like you’ve got you fingers into everything.

  12. Would love to read your review of “Peony In Love” ..I am reading the book at the moment and I am captivated by the story, although I have to admit, Snowflower was a marginally better read for me.

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