ar· ti· san
n : a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft
Why Amy Artisan? When trying to decide what URL to claim as mine I wanted to choose something that encompassed lots of the things that make me “Me!”
Looking at the definition for artisan it seemed to fit. My trade is consulting - business transformation specifically. My handicrafts - knitting, scrapbooking, cooking and more.
Why create a website? For the past year I’ve already been maintaining a small site for my book club… I’ve created pages to share photos with friends & family…friends are always asking for suggestions about what I’ve read lately, seen, etc. So, add those things up and why not?
So what will this website contain? In short, a bit of everything! My book club site is here (The G.I.R.L.S.) Use the links to the left to navigate through Amy Artisan.